sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2020

Living on probation

by Rafael Andújar y Vilches

Dear Knigts,Dames, Gentlemen, Ladies, Brothers, Sisters, friends all: 

Once again and, as every year on the eve of Advent and turning “74 years old” on December 20, I allow myselt to send you this reflection that has no other objective than to exchange, modestly, with each one of you my perceptions and reasoning about this “terrible” pandemia of which neither “politicans nor scientists” apparently have any valid and reassuring idea for our society and thus help us better understand the scope of said pandemia and also help our young people to be better and more respectful, taking into account the state of frustration in which they find themselves today, after more than 7 months of confinement, vague words and constant changes in current policy on the subject. 

Personally, it is the first time in my life that I have had to stay home for such a long period, unable to travel and having to suppress all activities, both personal and the ceremonies for the appointment of new knights and Dames that have been and are the way for all of us of meeting few times a year around a fraternal dinner to exchange our experiences and, at the same time, raise some money to be able through our non profit asociations to help, as much as we can, the people less fortunate than us, disadvantaged in society and the street children. 

Nevertheless, and with the restriction of this pandemia, we have contributed in helping the Food Bank in several places and, through our Delegation in Manila (Philippines) continue to contribute helping some of the street children who live in extreme conditions, without a home, nor a roof to shelter them, traveling through the streets of Manila. 

Sadly, today, no one can say or knows how to guarantee how long this confinement will last, this impossibility of movement to visit our families, friends and loved ones, as well as this strange life to which we are subjected. 

Personally, I feel like I lost control of my own life. I do not stop fighting every day with the weapons available and whith the ones that Chivalry has taught me for so many years to defeat this pandemia and retum to the life that we have always known and enjoyed and, I am conviced and, I hope that all of you too, that we are going to win this strange war as we have won through the centuries,many other more difficult and more bloody. Before I finish with my reflection, I want once again, dear Ladies, Gentlemen and Brothers all, to thank you for you fidelity, for you moral and financial support to all of you who have sent a donation to the bank account of our Asociation for continue our contribution in helping those most in need. 

I wish you all a Happy Advent Season and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021. 


jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

Dear Knights, Dames, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Family, all Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

I would like to say few words if I may. We are all here today to give Thanks as our forefathers did so long time ago.

This year this thanks giving day has a very more important signification to all of us due to this awful Pandemic situation with the Covid19.

For Some families it will, certainly not be possible to get all together to celebrate this very important day and thanks God for blessing us every day in our lives.

Nevertheless, I invite you wherever you are to stop your activity for 5 minutes to Thanks God for all the people who have saved their lives after being contaminated by this terrible Virus and for keeping most of us safe from contamination, with the strong believe and determination that all together we will defeat it forever.

So let´s enjoy the tradition and be thankful for all we have, in the spirit of a true Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving 2020 and thanks for your time and contribution to the success of our charitable and honorable Order.